The Vicars' Crossing

Season 7 Episode 5: Marjorie J. Thompson

The Vicars' Crossing Season 7 Episode 5

This week we welcome Marjorie J. Thompson. Marjorie is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church.  She has served as director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership and as spiritual director of Companions in Christ, a program outgrowth of the Pathways initiative of Upper Room Ministries. Marjorie has exercised a ministry of teaching, writing and spiritual guidance for many years. 

Marjorie joins us to discuss her newest book:

Courage for Caregivers: Sustenance for the Journey in Company with Henri J. M. Nouwen

Drawing on the writings and wisdom of Nouwen's themes of caregiving, this book is an invaluable resource for those offering care and the communities that support them.

This podcast was recorded on November 10th, 2022.